The Many Faces of PANS and PANDAS!
The Many Faces of PANS and PANDAS!
It’s been nearly three years since PANS PANDAS UK became a registered charity and despite the difficulties we have all faced this year (and continue to face) due to the Coronavirus pandemic, thanks to our wonderful supporters we are able to continue our important work in supporting families affected by PANS or PANDAS.
Our goal to support and educate medical professionals by offering training and managing the PANS Physician’s Network is continuing and at the request of a number of schools, we are currently developing training resources for teachers too. Watch this space!
Awareness Day is coming up on Friday 9th October 2020 and we are delighted to launch our new look website. Please sign up for our Newsletter and remember to take a look at some of our lovely new merchandise.
To mark the launch of our new look website, we would like to draw your attention to one of our more recent awareness videos, which features the images of some of the brave children who are affected by PANS or PANDAS in the UK.
There is currently no official data regarding the prevalence of these conditions in the UK, but according to the PANDAS Network in the US, a conservative estimated figure is 1 in 200.
With the potential of so many individuals being affected by these conditions, more awareness and research is desperately needed and we hope to be able to report some advances in these areas over the coming months.
In the meantime, please take a peek at our ‘new look’ website and enjoy some of the latest content for families, medical professionals and teachers as well as blogs, vlogs, real life stories, leaflets and awareness videos!
Lastly, take a look at this moving video and please don’t forget to donate!