When it might not be dyslexia
When it might not be dyslexia
Louise Selby, renowned dyslexia specialist, trainer, author, and teacher, has highlighted PANS and PANDAS in her latest book, All About Dyslexia: A Practical Guide for Primary Teachers. This inclusion sheds light on an important yet often overlooked issue: the sudden onset of writing changes as a potential symptom of PANS and PANDAS, which can sometimes lead to a misdiagnosis of dyslexia.
While a sudden change in writing skills in adults typically prompts medical investigation, similar changes in children are often dismissed as anxiety or due to increased demands in the classroom. Louise emphasises a critical distinction: dyslexia does not develop suddenly. For children experiencing writing changes due to PANS or PANDAS, this misinterpretation can delay appropriate support and intervention.
Please share with any educational and allied professionals and for more information on distinguishing dyslexia and the writing changes occurring in PANS and PANDAS go to https://louiseselbydyslexia.com/what-happened-to-evans-writing/
Children and young people can of course have more than one condition.