PANS PANDAS All-Party Parliamentary Group

What is the APPG?

The PANS PANDAS All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) is a cross-party group of MPs with an interest in these neuropsychiatric conditions.

The Group aims to use political influence to improve the detection, diagnosis and provision of treatment for PANS and PANDAS in the UK. Any member of any party across both Houses of Parliament can join.

Who is involved?

Relaunched in January 2025, the PANS PANDAS APPG consists of four officers, and a further 24 members. 

Wendy Chamberlain MP – Chair 
Wendy Chamberlain is the Liberal Democrat MP for North East Fife. 

Matt Bishop MP – Officer 
Matt Bishop is the Labour MP for the Forest of Dean. 

John Glen – Officer 
John Glen is the Conservative MP for Salisbury. 

James Frith – Officer 
James Frith is the Labour MP for Bury North. 

PANS PANDAS UK provides administration support (known as the secretariat) to the APPG. 

The APPG’s remit includes:

  • Keeping PANS and PANDAS on the political agenda
  • Exploring particular issues affecting the PANS PANDAS community in depth to both highlight them and seek solutions through APPG briefings, inquiries and/or reports
  • Exerting collective pressure with the ultimate goal of ensuring equal access to recommended appropriate health, education and social care services to all people with PANS and PANDAS and their families

What has the APPG done so far?

Since it was first established in 2020, some of the achievements of the PANS PANDAS APPG and its members include: 

Correspondence from the APPG to the Education Secretary, emphasising the urgent need for teacher training on PANS and PANDAS

The first official action of the newly reconstituted PANS PANDAS APPG in January 2025 was to write to the Rt Hon Bridget Phillipson, highlighting the importance of improved awareness of PANS and PANDAS amongst education professionals and requesting that the Department for Education attend the next APPG meeting to hear more.

Read the letter in full here.

The publication of an early day motion in November 2024, raising awareness of the PANS and PANDAS 

Early day motions (EDMs) are short proposals to the House of Commons that draw attention to a particular issue, event, or campaign. Members of parliament can support or sponsor EDMs.

Read the motion and see the list of supporters.

Sir Keir Starmer responding to a question at Prime Minister’s Questions in October 2024, leading to a meeting with the Department of Health and Social Care 

We were delighted to see Wendy Chamberlain MP raise a question in Parliament on  PANS PANDAS Awareness Day. More specifically, the question raised was in regard to whether it should be for a charity to fund the research, analysis and pathway needed in order to obtain adequate support for people living with PANS and PANDAS.

Watch the video.

Following this, a meeting was held with the Department of Health and Social Care, Baroness Merron and clinical directors from NHS England to discuss the work underway to improve standards of care available.

Read about this positive meeting.

A brilliant backbench debate in Westminster Hall

Thanks to the wonderful efforts of the PANS PANDAS APPG members, a backbench debate on PANS and PANDAS took place in Westminster Hall on Tuesday 12th September, 2023.

Secured by Wendy Chamberlain MP, the debate saw compelling speeches from Members representing all political parties and all four UK nations. Each MP who stood and spoke was in attendance because one or more of their constituents had contacted them asking for help accessing appropriate support for their child with PANS or PANDAS. There was true cross-party consensus that more needs to be done to improve awareness, diagnosis, treatment and support for this cohort of children and their families.

Maria Caulfield MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, attended the debate and listened attentively to the requests put forward by those present. Her response, which acknowledged PANS and PANDAS as discrete disease entities, was welcomed by those in the public gallery, as was her commitment to meet with key stakeholders, drive forward UK-led research, distribute targeted information to GPs via NHS England and to speak to the Education Minister about support in schools.

We are so grateful to all the MPs who made the time to attend or to speak to us afterwards. We are also incredibly proud of our Youth Board for courageously sharing their experiences with Wendy Chamberlain in advance of the debate. Your knowledge and experience shaped the direction of the debate and, no doubt, will help to shape brighter futures for other young people with PANS and PANDAS. Last, but not least, a heartfelt thank you to all those parents and carers who wrote to their MPs, urging them to attend the debate or join the APPG. It really made all the difference.

Please check back here for the latest updates on our progress in Parliament.

The presentation of a letter from PANS PANDAS UK Youth Board members to then Health Secretary, Maria Caulfield

A letter written by a group of our incredible Youth Board members was hand-delivered to Maria Caulfield to ask for her support in improving the care and support available to our community.

Our Youth Board members expressed how living with PANS and PANDAS has impacted on their time in education and asked her to keep children with the conditions in her mind as she helps to roll out the new SEND reforms.

Further examples of keeping PANS and PANDAS on the agenda in Parliament.

  • Labour MP Ian Lavery met with a multidisciplinary group of medical professionals to discuss the future of diagnosis and treatment for those suffering from neurological disorders as a result of viral infections. This led to Mr Lavery requesting a Government debate to discuss the diagnostic process for neurological disorders
  • Conservative MP Robin Millar mentioned the Strep A surveillance study and requested further discussion to develop a treatment pathway for PANDAS in the UK
  • Labour MP Wendy Chamberlain calling on the government to recognise PANS and PANDAS and support NHS-specific recognition and treatment for the conditions

How YOU can help

Contact your MP and ask them to be your voice in Parliament. You might like to use the template letter below.

You can ask your MP to support the APPG by contacting the office of Wendy Chamberlain, MP for North East Fife. You can find your local MP’s details at Find MPs – MPs and Lords – UK Parliament.

Count Us In: A Manifesto for PANS and PANDAS front page

You may wish to send your MP a copy of our manifesto ‘Count Us In; A Manifesto for PANS and PANDAS’ which tells them about the challenges facing our community and what action they can take to support you and other families with PANS and PANDAS.

You will also see a template below if your child or young person would like to write to their MP.

If ever there was a time to raise your voice for PANS and PANDAS, this is it!


Template letter to your MP (for adults)

Young person’s template letter to MP

Footer Pattern


  • ADHD
    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
  • AE
    Auto-immune Encephalitis
    Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
  • ASD
    Autism Spectrum Disorder
    Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
  • CBT
    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
  • Dysgraphia
    difficulty writing by hand
  • EHCP
    Education, Health and Care Plan
  • Emotional Lability
    Rapid, and dramatic changes in mood (for example uncontrollable laughter to crying)
  • Enuresis
  • GAS
    Group A Streptococcal infection
  • NHSE
    NHS England
  • NICE
    National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
  • OCD
    Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • PP
  • PPUK
  • PPN
    PANS Physicians Network
  • PPSG
    PANS PANDAS Steering Group
  • SENCo
    Special Educational Needs Coordinator
  • SIGN
    Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network to the glossary
  • Tic
    Sudden repetitive movement (motor tic) or sound (vocal tic) which is difficult or impossible to control